1. Brian,
    Wonderful work as always. You make it look so easy, but of course it is because of your skill.

    Who is the maker of your new dozuki?

    Looks like you also have a new Yokohama plane, if I am not mistaken. I think the kanji might be 観心、which is pronounced “kanjin”. White steel?


    David Wong
    1. Good to hear from you David! Thank you!

      The maker of the dozuki is Hishika, they are from Miki city. Teshiba recommended them to me, and I’m glad he did.

      The new plane is Yokoyama Kunio, good eye! So spells the Kanji as ‘Kanshin’ which is blue steel #1.


  2. Pingback: Adventures in Making Hardware | Brian Holcombe Woodworker

  3. Pingback: Adventures in Making Hardware Part II | Brian Holcombe Woodworker

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